Elder Angel/High Order Member Rank/Title in Landia | World Anvil
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Elder Angel/High Order Member

The wealthy upper class of the Nirvana Dynasty all have this title.   Examples: Usagi Meido (when she visited the king) N (???) Countess Victoria (the king's niece) Anyone in the royal family of Nirvana Anyone in the Usagi Monarchy


1. A nice house 2. Lots of money 3. Big relations.   Some people get it by default. The Prankster I pranked the royal family, but found out that they are blood-related to him.


You must be 5+. Kids of upper class are well, upper class.


The royal family gives you a pass for it.


1. Morality 2. Entry into the royal palace 3. Ability to make laws if they are constitutional


Normal responsibilities of human beings, but they watch over the lower classes.


YOU MAKE A WHOLE LOTTA MONEY AND GET FAMOUS. You also get to go wherever you like.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Not really. Upper class people wear nice clothes.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Offending. A person may be removed from the privilege if the Queen simply says so.


From the beginning of time.

Cultural Significance

Not really. This is given to anyone who has nice house, or is related to the Royal Family.

Notable Holders

Described above in the prose section.
The title is when someone comes upper class.
The 5 rulers of the Toad Dynasty
Alternative Naming
Upper Class
Equates to
Upper Class= King's Workers
Source of Authority
The King
Length of Term
Related Locations
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