The Sioghai Congregation Organization in Lagr'ünd | World Anvil
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The Sioghai Congregation

The Dread Lord has spoken. Go forth and seek the works of numenera. Gather the innocent and annihilate the heretics. Be the beacon of Sioghai in the dark night of ignorance
— Excerpt from the first Pilgrimage sermon
  The Sioghai are a group with religious inclination based just south of the Winterlands. One hundred years ago a group of humans found the crystalline ruins of an ancient battleground. While investigating the place they witnessed a Dread Destroyer appear out of thin air. The giant creature, part biological, part machine, a remnant of an ancient and horrible war stomped the ground and waved his missile silos. The men, tired and terrified, bowed in suplication. The dread destroyed extended its mettalic tentacles and collected the men into its ethereal hull. Confused and astonished by the lack of physicality, the feble men had no time to wonder their situation as they were turned into the first Dread Deacons.   They regained awareness the morning after and saw their master as It trully was: a mighty god trapped in etherealness forever waiting to be released to continue the annihilation those he considered his enemies; and all those who do not bow to it, are its enemies. They saw his name stamped on the side of its bulk; for them it spelled Sioghai.   Since then, the Deacons have recruited missionaries, guards, resources and followers, eventually expanding across the entire peninsula. In return for the services, the Dread Destroyer grants the group cyphers and artifacts to use in their expansion.


The highest ranking being is, technically, is the Dread Destoyer CS34G-Requiem. There are 20 to 25 Dread Priests at any given point, working as a direct link between the Soghai and the Dread Destroyer, whose criptic clue they interpret into messages. They speak directly with Dread Riders and the bishops, who function as generals of the armies and administrators of the congregation, respectivelly. Bellow them, Dread Guards compose the army and the social and religious branch is served by missionaries.

Public Agenda

To serve the Deacons and the commands they translate from the dread destroyer. To spread their control to all sentient species.


Constant flow of artifacts and cyphers dealt out by the Dread Destroyer. An army of 2000, with soldiers modified and augmented with numenera to some extent. Access to the sea cliffs and the food resources therein.
Geopolitical, Theocracy
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy

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