This World Prose in Lafira | World Anvil
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This World

This World is an old prose written in the ancient language Haapilujaa. It has a total 5 strophes.


Ye mihora ish lafira niiha lawita shaliha rutsala
Sharamanika kiil mash haapilujaa ili fejuhe rumana wise
So ye ishnihala reiki reiki...

Ye mihora kura lafira shaaliha ru rafeliha
kulutiil kiil mash rafira rifie ilu fureliha
Pulake jaa ilu kahin tsurunoora


I see this world how it becomes slowly the beautiful future
Water and food cooks, Gods words are sung, stars shine bright
And my dream continues...

I see that world how its nature grows rapidly
Flowers sprout, paradise comes holding a secret
No life tells it, the outside's unaware...


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