Faamu Building / Landmark in Lafira | World Anvil
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A Faamu, Elven Gate or Celestial Gate, is a wooden gate which can be found at religious sites and temples of the Elven Mythology. It symbolically marks the transition from the mundane to the sacred world. The presence of a Faamu at the entrance is usually the simplest way to identify an Elven temple or site.

Faamus were traditionally made from wood, but today they can be also made of stone, copper, steel or other materials. They are usually either unpainted or painted vermilion or white with a black upper lintel.


The word Faamu is an Haapilujaan word. It's made out of the words 'faa' [ɸa:] meaning bird, and the word 'mu' [mu] meaning wood, altogether meaning bird's wood. It is unknown why the gates have been assigned this name, but it is believed that many birds sat on these wooden gates, as some proses suggest.


A Faamu always consists of two main posts and two lintels, one straight between the posts and one above the posts. The upper lintel can be straight or curved. Some Faamus have a downwards slant between the two lintels. It is possible for the lower lintel to exceed the posts.

The posts of a Faamu can also be supported by additional pillars on both sides. There are even Faamus that have a gable above the upper lintel.
Religion / Mythology
Elven Mythology
Alternative Names
Elven Gate
Celestial Gate

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