Elves Species in Kyrion | World Anvil
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"Long-lived, magically attuned, and with an attitude so high up their ass as their highborn tendencies, you couldn't possibly mistake them for anything else. That being said, they're not so bad... just try to be clean around the salad eaters." - Gathruuck Silverflint, Dwarven Minstrel   One of the oldest races in Kyrion, the Elves are regarded with a certain etherealness and grace that one could only imagine achieving in their lifetime, much less an Elf's. They have a natural affinity towards magic, able to cast most spells with ease. As a result, they have the largest magical population compared to the other races. Their lives stretch for millennia, allowing them to see the rise and fall of many nations as well as the prosperity of their own. It is for this trait that many people regard Elves to have Wisdom beyond a natural lifetime.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Elves reach physical maturity at age 18 for males and age 16 for females, but they are not considered adults until they have reached 180.   Elves reproduce sexually and are compatible with many races, creating half-elven hybrids that carry traits from both parents. However, due to their extremely lengthy lifespans, it is more difficult for Elves to conceive children.

Growth Rate & Stages

Elves share a similar growth rate in the early stages of their lives with other humanoid races. It is only when they reach physical maturity that their body's growth starts to slow down. By their early 20s, their growth rate has virtually all but stopped, allowing them to live on near infinitely. In fact, very few elves ever die of "old age".

Ecology and Habitats

Elves find naturally forested areas to be their preferred place of living. They have made entire nations and settlements in these areas, which are naturally abundant in renewable resources for them to use.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Elves are primarily vegetarians, but this is more due to their way of life than actual needs. There are cases and reports of elves dining on fish, meats, and the like outside of Elven settlements.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Elves have been targeted for their beauty and their long lives. They are generally favored by slavers for the obvious reasons...

Facial characteristics

They share human facial characteristics aside from a longer face, slightly large eyes, prominent cheekbones, and pointed ears.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to their Fey ancestry, elves have a natural inclination towards magic, and are much more perceptive to the magical world and traces of magic around them.   Certain subraces of Elves also have a more intimate connection with nature and are born trackers and Outdoorsmen/women with natural survival skills that have been passed down for millenia.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

What could be considered as the capital of Elven Civilization, The Island Nation of Erhelion serves as the home for many Elves living the Twins. Other Continents have similar locations such as Riesbyel's Elendyl located in the Great Jura Forest.

Gender Ideals

The Elves (Aside from the Drow) don't really have many gender ideals. While many male elves have taken up seats of authority and power in councils and such, female elves are not an uncommon sight serving as a figure of authority. There are no real differences between male and female elves when it comes to opportunities and options available to them, nor are they tied down to any particular preconceived notions.

Courtship Ideals

There are very little differences between human courtship and elven courtship. Both races feel that the male should initiate, but there are no complaints when the opposite sex decides to court first.   Due to their long lives though, elves have plenty of time to wait for their perfect significant other, and so are very unlikely to start searching for love anytime soon.

Relationship Ideals

When an elf is in a relationship, they are what elves call "Soulbound". Frankly put, it's like being married before the paperwork is done. A Soulbound elf will find themselves deeply dedicated to their lover, willing to suffer with them through life's indignities. After all, they have one life to live, and it is quite a long one. When an elf loves, their love is as eternal as they are. A marriage is a realization of the "Soulbound" ideal. Infidelity and cheaters are the biggest insult to a soulbound elf, and such crimes and criminals are shunned heavily in Elven communities.

Average Technological Level

As Elven culture values tradition, many elven settlements do not embrace the technological advancement that most other Races enjoy. However, what they lack in invention, they make up in refinement. Elves are trained at birth to be great archers and craftsmen of the most exquisite and high quality equipment, rivaling even Dwarven Craftsmanship.   They are also ahead in magical technology, developing magic for everyday use in their settlements and crafting equipment embedded with crystals and gems fueled with magic. Elven Magic Items are some of the most sought after pieces of equipment in the world, and the Elves guard such items jealously.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The Elvish Language is split into 3 different dialects: The first is the Proper tongue, used by almost all elves. The Second is the Common Tongue, which is used almost exclusively by Wood Elves. The difference is a sort of slurring of the words similar to colloquial slang in Common. The Third is Exclusively used by the Drow, which could even be considered its own language.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Elves share a deep connection with the Fey and the Feywild, Their ancestors once crossing the planes to first establish settlements. As time passed, their connections stay strong, with much of Elven Culture revering their ancestors' memories and legacy, celebrating their triumphs and great deeds. As a result, very little changes in Elven settlements, some rarely even going beyond its borders, acting as little pockets of ancient history.


The Elves are descended from the first fey that crossed from the Feywilds into the Material Plane in the time before time. Their ancestors settled in the world and created the start of elven nations that would persist to this very day. As time passed and the other races began to flourish in the world, the Fey Ancestors returned to the Feywilds, leaving their descendants, the Elves to live on in this world in their stead.   The Elves eventually grew into several distinct subraces depending on their tendencies and habitats such as the High Elf, Wood Elf, Moon Elf, and Dark Elf/Drow.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Elves generally regard the other races like that of a grandparent watching their grandchildren scrambling around to put their pants back on.   Overall, Most other races regard Elves with as much or slightly higher esteem than they do with Humans.   Dwarves however, strike a rivalry with the Elves, and vice versa. One is highly envious of the other's natural affinity to wield magic, and the other is envious of their superior crafting, despite its inelegance.
5000 years (??)
Average Height
5' to 6'5"
Average Weight
125 lbs
Average Physique
Thin and lithe forms, much more so for females.

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