The Royal Kirg Currency Item in Kwena | World Anvil
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The Royal Kirg Currency

The Kirg is the official currency of many former territories of the empire. Kirgs are made of silver. 1 Royal Kirg is equivalent to 500g of pure silver. The Kirg takes the shape of a solid silver bar.  

Legal Tender

Royal Kirg(K)
Platinum Coin or Piece(pe)
Gold Coin or Piece(gp)
Electrum Coin or Piece(ep)
Silver Coin or piece(sp)
Copper Coin or piece(cp)
Tin Coin or piece(tp)  


The Royal Kirg is only used to store money and to buy expensive goods and property. This could be anything from buying a house or castle to buying an item in bulk. Many nations may trade or have pay tribute using Kirgs as bulk payment.   For cheaper and more everyday transactions the coins may be used. These range from a large Silver Tenner(about 50g of pure silver each) to the lighter and smaller Silver, Copper and Tin Coins. Tin coins tend to be found amongst the poorest people and communities while the Silver and Tenners will usually be found amongst the wealthier communities and people. The Copper coin is a very common coin used by both the poor and the richer citizens.   Rarer Coins are also in circulation. These coins are the Electrum, Gold and Platinum coins. These are all very valuable and are usually used by the rich. The reason for the rarity of these coins is because they were new additions to the empires currencies not long before the fall of the empire.  

Currency Exchange Rates

1K = 5pe = 10T = 50gp = 100ep = 500sp = 5,000cp = 50,000tp
1pe = 2T = 10gp = 20ep = 100sp = 1,000cp = 10,000tp
1T = 5gp = 10ep = 50sp = 500cp = 5,000tp
1gp = 2ep = 10sp = 100cp = 1,000tp
1ep = 5sp = 50cp = 500tp
1sp = 10cp = 50tp
1cp = 5tp

Manufacturing process

All Coins and Royal Kirgs are minted via molds and the metals are refined to remove impurities.


Currency of the majority of the former empire's territories
Currency of the Ashgarian Empire
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Common Currency
Base Price
The currency is made in the empires mints. These mints were once regulated by the empire but now other nations have taken over these mints, not wanting to change the currency they are using.

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