K'Varn Homepage | World Anvil
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the 20th of Venil, 1473

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A world of gritty fantasy. This is a homebrew setting for a 5e Dungeons and Dragons game. It does take influence from the Forgotten Realms setting as well as the Witcher. Locations may or may not share a name but will be altered to be an original location. Most planes and creature lore will be very similar and not as altered. (These will be the least original parts of the world, do not fret.) I do not own any art used in any of these articles. We have started a weekly streamed campaign every Friday night.   All non character articles will have a small NON CANON story of a 10th level Doink's experience with the subject of that article.   This world will be a work in progress for a long time so check back from time to time to see whats new.