Zhethrh'ithar Monk Character in Kutania | World Anvil
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Zhethrh'ithar Monk

Written by Agent Serro

Little is known of these mysterious monk cultists from beyond the great ocean.   Almost human in appearance but rather thin, tall, frail looking with pure white hair and pale skin color. They don't seem to be a race you recognize or have heard of before. They can communicate in the common tongue with a strange heavy accent but their own language sounds very alien to your ears. Even their clothing seems to be from a culture unlike anything you have seen in your travels so far.   They don't seem to use any weapons or armor but can somehow mutate their very own bodies to nightmarish proportions. Changing their body parts into grotesque living weapons. Along with their unarmed combat styles of crazy fast movements and acrobatic maneuvers they seem to be some sort of dark magic caster as well. Being able to either hide or maybe somehow move within the shadows making them unseen until they wish to be seen and never traveling alone.   During combat they are quiet, never making a sound and never expressing any signs of pain or discomfort. Regardless of injuries they will continue to attack and don’t seem to be phased by the thought of death. Methodical, merciless, fanatics void of any emotions and without care of personal safety they are best avoided at all costs.   At this time only a handful of rumors from fellow adventurers that were in Echo Bay when these monks suddenly appeared without warning, slaughtering shadow agents and town folks alike with ease. Whispers tell of their occult worshiping some long-lost ancient sleeping god and solely focused on his awakening. The stories of what these monks are capable of send cold shivers down your spine as you hope to never see one up close and personal. According to what the officials are saying, there is no such thing and was merely a story made up to cover the kidnapping of Echo Bay's overseer and their local folk hero wizard.

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