Sanctuary Island Settlement in Kutania | World Anvil
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Sanctuary Island

Written by Agent Serro

This small island is home to an old monastery that was repurposed into an isolation hospital almost 150 years ago. The incurably insane and those with inflections that cannot be healed are relocated to this safe haven which became known as 'The Sanctuary'.  
With a staff of guards, doctors, nurses and healers they research on methods of curing these most unfortunate people. In most case all the staff can do is ease their suffering and offer prayers for the dyeing. Research is paramount as the study here could one day allow for protection, understanding and medicines for those in the near future.  
Most of the tower is for the sick and dying as fresh ocean air is a natural way of helping numerous different sickness and diseases. All windows are barred, all doors are locked at all times to ensure the safety of the Empire to prevent any here from infecting those on the mainland. Most of the tower workers use ointments under their noses as the smell of death, rot and sickness is heavy in the air. Being so severely understaffed, its sometimes difficult to disposal of bodies, clean those still living and to keep the conditions sanitary.  
The large front entrance structure are staff living quarters, offices, labs and other essential areas. Before anyone can enter, they must be screened by healers as they come or leave as one of the many safty procedures. Visitors are almost never allowed entrance or even to the island itself with family saying their goodbyes before the patient is admitted to the island.  
Under these structures are the underground complex, several floors going down into the rock cliff for added security. Those that have been deemed mentally insane or infected with any sort of mental illness are housed down here. Kept in small cells with no windows and solid metal doors as security is kept at a maximum. No one is really sure how many levels are actually here or what sort of research is being done as no one is allowed entrance to the underground floors.  
Due to the nature of this place, there is always tales of mistreatment, experiments and other non-sense being whispered. Unforgivable living conditions, research into controlling diseases for warfare, experiments with corpses, working on super soldiers for the Empire and illegal activities of all sorts including the unnatural are just a few of the stories that are told about this location. The Empire has stated numerus times that the hospital is clean, healthy, safe and the only purpose here is to help the suffering.

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