Norbury Settlement in Kutania | World Anvil
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Written by Agent Serro

Norbury is a peaceful, relaxing mountain lake town located north of Talsworth. Originally there was merely an old monk monastery built here but over the years of the monks being well known for both healing and superb ale makers, people started to settle near the old monastery. Now there is a nice size village that has been built at the base of the monastery hill next to the lake.
  Life here is a little on the slow side, some even come here to retire or get away from the busy life of other places. Lake fishing is very good here, the waters being fed directly from the mountains make the water clear and clean. Known for the freshwater, it's not too surprising to see folks travel here to gather water from the lake in large barrels. One of the main ingredients to the monk’s ale is using the incredibly clear mountain water to brew the ale.
  More recently, the monastery requested help from the Wardens Watch with some odd troubles it was having. Now it would appear that everything is back to normal, and the famous monk ale is once again shipping out to the nearby towns. While there have been a few whispers of an underground crypt that the monastery was built on top of, there has never been any proof of this, and the monks deny any such place under their building.
  The monks and villagers work well together, with the monks providing healing and other services to the villagers. In return the villagers are always more than happy to donate fish, wood and other materials to the monastery. Visitors are welcomed but it is advised to be respectful while visiting as the monks don't take kindly to those that would disrupt the harmony of this location. There are a handful of Imperial guards here for the safety of the village but with having the monk monastery in the middle of the village, outside help with defense is never necessary.
  Lyppa can be found either at the monastery working or down at the lake practicing running on water while punching. She is very well liked in Norbury so if any monks or villages witness any disrespect towards her, good chance they will get involved.
Norbury is a peaceful, relaxing mountain lake town located north of Talsworth. Originally there was merely an old monk monastery built here but over the years of the monks being well known for both healing and superb ale makers, people started to settle near the old monastery. Now there is a nice size village that has been built at the base of the monastery hill next to the lake.
  Life here is a little on the slow side, some even come here to retire or get away from the busy life of other places. Lake fishing is very good here, the waters being fed directly from the mountains make the water clear and clean. Known for the freshwater, it's not too surprising to see folks travel here to gather water from the lake in large barrels. One of the main ingredients to the monk’s ale is using the incredibly clear mountain water to brew the ale.
  More recently, the monastery requested help from the Wardens Watch with some odd troubles it was having. Now it would appear that everything is back to normal, and the famous monk ale is once again shipping out to the nearby towns. While there have been a few whispers of an underground crypt that the monastery was built on top of, there has never been any proof of this, and the monks deny any such place under their building.
  The monks and villagers work well together, with the monks providing healing and other services to the villagers. In return the villagers are always more than happy to donate fish, wood and other materials to the monastery. Visitors are welcomed but it is advised to be respectful while visiting as the monks don't take kindly to those that would disrupt the harmony of this location. There are a handful of Imperial guards here for the safety of the village but with having the monk monastery in the middle of the village, outside help with defense is never necessary.
  Lyppa can be found either at the monastery working or down at the lake practicing running on water while punching. She is very well liked in Norbury so if any monks or villages witness any disrespect towards her, good chance they will get involved.

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