Shire of Gallowsbrook Geographic Location in Krya | World Anvil
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Shire of Gallowsbrook

The Shire of Gallowsbrook is a backwater are of the empire layered in rich history and forgotten lore. Once a thriving area due to being right on the border of Faelynn, the Shire had once housed the greatest artists, intellectuals, and magicians that the mortal realm had to offer. Now, since the Veil's creation the Shire has languished and has become a distant consideration in the short-sighted ambitions of the Empire's politicians.   The two settlements of Fallwind and Brookshire were once thriving communities but are now primarily industry towns; logging and mining for Fallwind and fishing and ranching for Brookshire.


Consisting of rolling foothills, verdant forests, mountain ranges and lush vegetation, the Shire is not a bad place to live. The climate is temperate continental with hard winters and hot, humid summers, there are an abundance of flora and fauna in the region.

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