Trebisozi Ethnicity in Kronis | World Anvil
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Cunning yet stubborn, dependable yet wild. The average Trebisozi person is focused and goal-oriented. Originating from a melting pot of Srians, Aetians and Ghiskans, the Trebisozi have left a strange but notable mark on the world.

Home Region: Barakon, south of the Tridonan Mountains
Origin: Sria, Amnus, Parsan and Thernan peoples fleeing turmoil and settling in the city of Trebisoz c. 20 AR
Presence: Steadfast
Common Religions: Aetian Pantheon, Srian Pantheon, Ghiskan, Ilueism   Real World Influence: Georgian, Greek   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Divination
Non-Magic Proficiency: Slight of Hand


The Trebisozi first emerged after several decades of migrations into the city of Trebisoz and surrounding regions. Trebisoz at this time was a city-state struggling to gain a foothold with its strategic position on the major rivers flowing from the Tridonan Mountains. The new influx of population allowed it to surge in economic and military might, and soon found itself a solidified kingdom neighboring the older legendary Kingdom of Parsa.   It was around the middle of the first century AR when Parsa was beset by two rebellions, that Trebisoz found its opportunity to thrive. By the end of a series of wars, Trebisoz was the undisputed hegemon south of the Tridonan Mountains. The Trebisozi people would go on to intermingle with the Parsans and shared their cultural aversion to the Balans in the north.   For the next several centuries, the Trebisoz existed unmolested in their region tucked in the southeast of Barakon. Clashes with the Balans was frequent. Towards the 400s and beyond, the Balans - later Vendarians - would have an increased presence on Trebisoz's borders with the help of Morosian influence. A series of Balan migrations and invasions resulted in a great intermingling and recession of Trebisoz culture, being pushed to the coast.   Like many others in Barakon, the Trebisozi were uprooted by the Dresnid invasions of the 700s. While luckier than most, the Trebisozi were left greatly weakened going into the 800s AR, and their future as a people hangs in the balance.  


The Trebisozi traditions are the logical borrowing of Parsan and Srian traditions. They share the Srian aptitude for political involvement even among the most disconnected farmers. From the Parsans of old, who are now all entirely absorbed into Trebisoz culture, the Trebisoz carry the unique idea that the aristocracy is subservient to the warrior class. This tactic has been strangely effective in reducing military coups. The military is raised on a pedestal and is afforded great honors and even greater responsibilities.   Worship of the gods is restricted to the elite, however, as the Trebisozi worship the Aetian pantheon. This is a divergence from the Aetians, who worship their own pantheon freely among all walks of life. Instead, this tradition reflects Trebisoz's commitment to their ancient ally, the Seleutine Empire. Subsequently, the common Trebisozi is more likely to be atheist.  

Fantasy Additions

Trebisozi are predominantly elves who excel in agility and the arcane - for those who are gifted. Their guilds, both in trade and secrecy, are more widespread than others throughout Kronis.

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