Knori Ethnicity in Kronis | World Anvil
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Originating from a melting pot between the Sinan and Slintan civilizations, the Knori are a mysterious people that excel in bartering, espionage, and strategy.

Home Region: "The Western Gateway"
Origin: Cities of Illa and Cytos, founded in 350 BR
Presence: Small, but steadfast
Common Religions: Western Gate Pantheon   Real World Influence: Phoenician, Venetian   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Air/Arcane Evocation
Non-Magic Proficiency: Insight


The Knori famously split off from the Slintans in 05 BR and the Sinan culture in 22 AR, founding the states of Cytos and Knoros respectfully. Cytos was the Knori representation on Severon, centered at the capital also called Cytos. Just a mile to Cytos' south is the Knori presence on Barakon centered on the capital city of Illa. The Knori are technically split into two distinct republics. They were at one time rules under a Duel Trade Council, but in effect Knoros and Cytos operated independently on matters outside of mutual commerce.   Cytos had many dealings with the Slintan state of Tyros and the Rhalan principality of Dmitrov, and even militarily conquered as far north as the Rhalan town of Otsalich. Meanwhile Knoros fought extensively with the Dresnid hordes to the south as well as the proto-kingdom of Sina. Over the centuries Knoros and Sina, along with the old Kingdom of Espidon, formed a triple alliance against the Dresnid hordes that constantly raided and invaded their lands.   In 260 AR, Knoros, Sina, and Espidon conjointly garrisoned a fortress called Tri Kastron that lay at a strategic point on the Knoros-Dresnid border. This fortress worked well for 50 years before succumbing to a massive Dresnid invasion led by the Aljerem clan in 334 AR. The fortress would by retaken by the Makan Empire and its Sinan vassals by 391 AR. In 840 AR, Novi Kastron was founded about 100 miles north of Tri Kastron as a new defensive fortress, now manned mainly by soldiers of Knoros.  

Makan Invasion

The Mako made their famous landfall on Severon in 218 AR, taking the port town of Mydonti from Tyros. They would later have their first landfall on Barakon around 340 AR in a war with Sina. Just 10 years later, Mako would invade Cytos under the pretense of the Knori financially aiding their old rival Tyros. The validity of this claim is questionable, but it would not change the result when Mako fell just short of taking Cytos before suing for peace.   Knoros and Cytos would band together over the next century and fight the Mako on several occasions, never really making progress against the new power. Then, around 440 AR, Mako launched a final invasion which saw the complete capitulation of Cytos and Knoros under The Great Empire of the West.   After some initial unrest, the Knori would live under Makan dominance from 500 to 800 AR, enjoying a strange era of peace and prosperity for a relatively oppressed peoples.  

Knori role in the fall of the Makan Empire

In 805 AR, the cities of Illa and Cytos were strangely among the first to learn about the ascension of the Seikan Mao Guo Aly-a-Song to the throne as Emperor. Their lords and merchants quickly went about sowing dissent where they could throughout the empire, but Illa and Cytos as polities remained complacent for several years, eventually taking their chances in 808 AR, coinciding with Liang Fu's coup that overthrew Emperor Mao Guo. There was little Makan resistance to the resurgence of Knoros and Cytos, and indeed the new republics were a haven for refugees in the chaos that had engulfed the empire.


The Knori grew their traditions largely separate from the Slintan and Sinan cultures which they evolved from. The Knori, of course, place trade and prosperity as the highest priority as well as family - which drives the decisions for such matters. Many festivals and first meetings are celebrated with lavish goods, along with a degree of pomp and circumstance. Guests are welcomed at nearly all times, and equally celebrated and respected throughout Knori culture.   Every Knori merchant family knows of the existence of at least one continent far off to the west, but these places are closely guarded secrets. About half of the Knori themselves do not even believe in these "secrets". Indeed, the merchant families only pass on this secret within their own households, as they are valuable contacts that they trade with exclusively. It is unknown how provable this claim is, as merchants will often laden their ships and sail out west - but it could all be a ruse where they then turn north or south to go to the Rhalans or Podrusans respectively.   Myths and tales even believe that the Knori made a deal with the sea titans by the cursed coast, and is the reason they have been known to go south, even when cultures on the southern coasts would never send ships back west.  

Fantasy Additions

The Knori are very knowledgeable humans, elves, and half elves. They learned to adapt airbending just like the neighboring Slintans, but noticeably use it less effectively than a native Slintan. The only krakens known to exist are said to have all been slain by the Knori, and parts of a kraken often show up in places recently visited by Knori merchants. Tons of other sea legends are known amongst the Knori, which they hold most sacred and secret from outside cultures, for as welcoming of guests as they are. There are reports of at least 1 Triton man being spotted in Illa, but any detail beyond that has not been given.

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