Kholams and Mandahms Ethnicity in Kronis | World Anvil
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Kholams and Mandahms

Originating from the same precursor tribes that birthed the Ismatian and Salkan cultures, the Kholams are hearty and tough people, and often experiment with nature's resources. Little else unifies them, and they differ by state.

Home Region: East Subcontinent of Ismia
Origin: Clans and Tribes of Salkan and Ismatian origin around 600 BR
Presence: Kholams are waning in favor of a growing base of Mandahms
Common Religions: The Lake Lords, The Gods of Wind and change (majority Mandahms), The Center of the World, Ismatian Pantheon   Real World Influence: Germanic, West Slavic   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Illusion
Non-Magic Proficiency: Arcana
  Mandahm   Real World Influence: French, German   5e Additions:
Magic Proficiency: Conjuration
Non-Magic Proficiency: Animal Handling


  The Mandahms are the epitome of Kholamic collectivization resulting in the Ailesian Horde in an effort to migrate outside of their home region. They are known for their exceptional steel-making, animal handling, and willingness to adapt.  


The Kholams are known for the once formidable trade republic of Dreistadie and several other kingdoms. They emerged in the early centuries BR. By 300 BR there were four significant Kholamic cities in East Ismia: Inzburg, Utstad, Korinfron, and Fenbruck. The latter three cities all neighbored each other around Lake Todal, where the trade league of Dreistadie was later founded in 30 BR. Around the trade league there were multiple Kholamic confederations, most notably: Regala, Rostad, and Inzburg.   Dreistadie facilitated trade between the Salkan clans of the north and the Kholamic and Ismatian clans of the south. Over the course of several centuries they perfected the art of the deal, joining the likes of the Ghiskans, Knori, and Zuremi. Around the 210s AR, the Morosian Empire was on Dreistadie's doorstep, with the lords of Dreistadie recently supporting a border rebellion within the empire. Morosia demanded Dreistadie hand over its domain and access to great wealth. Instead, the merchant lords of Utstad threatened to abandon the lake region along with their compatriots, effectively cutting Morosia off from a vital trade route. Their threats almost carried true until a treaty was agreed-upon, resulting in a modest Dreistadie tribute paid to the Morosian Empire.  

Morosian Dominion

The other Kholamic states were not as lucky or cunning as the merchant lords of Dreistadie. The fall of the last Ismian kingdom of Ipran set the Kholams firmly in Morosian sights for conquest. Shortly after the deal with Dreistadie described above, the Morosians sent an emissary to the Kholamic kingdom of Regala in 218 AR. The Regalan king is said to have marched right up to the emissary and literally spit on him. Luckily for the Regalans, the Morosians had more pressing matters to attend to at the time, with such events as the Thernan Rebellion.   80 years later would see the legendary Morosian "hero" Cracer Manorion invade Regala and Inzburg in 288 AR. Cracer struck Regala fast and hard with a privately assembled army - something that was technically banned in Morosia. He swept up all prisoners and pressed most of them into service in his army as it continued onward to Inzburg - which too soon fell. The Inzburg Confederacy had reached its height just before this time, taking large swathes of the northern Poscaean regions under Seleutine control.   After several hard-fought battles, the Morosian forces prevailed, and Cracer annexed the entirety of Kholamic territory under Inzburg. By the end, only the Chiefdom Collective of Rostad and the Trade League of Dreistadie remained.  

Rise of the Mandahms

Morosian dominance over East Ismia was particularly harsh compared to it western counterpart. The Kholams were increasingly restless and multiple rebellions occurred over the course of Morosian dominance. Local Morosian authorities undertook exile as their primary form of punishment, and mass exoduses were conducted on the Kholams. They were forced ever-northward into the mountains known as the Salkan Scape. These conditions were inhospitable and led to a great general depopulation of Kholamic people. The alternative was the Chiefdoms Collective of Rostad - which, after a failed coup by the incoming migrants themselves, led Rostad to be openly hostile against Kholamic refugees. Dreistadie, with its treaties with Morosia, was only able to offer limited help to the refugee Kholams.   Deep in the Salkan Scape, these Kholamic people intermingled and adapted with the Salkan native residents. There they created a city called Chadonne, later renamed to Cramille in honor of "The First Mandahm". Cramille was a man of legend who united the broken tribes of Kholam and reconciled with the Duchy of Rostad. These people took on a new identity as Mandahms and formed what the Morosians called the Ailesian Horde. The existence of Cramille is disputed and contained mostly to legend. His impact, whoever was behind it, certainly set history on a different path.   By the 600s AR, the Ailesian horde had been fighting back and forth at length with the Morosians, with little ground gained. By the turn of the 700s, fortune began to favor them, and the Mandahms rode forth around the lake lands and throughout Ismia coinciding with similar events happening thousands of miles south on Barakon. The Mandahms, while treating the first few towns and cities with great respect and tolerance, eventually ended up pillaging and razing later cities, towns, and villages. They became notorious for their cruel and malevolent destruction across Ismia, throwing the entire region into chaos.


Kholams, like the Ismatians, were big on war and focused many celebrations around warfare. However they also harmonized with the natural elements around them, and divined many special remedies and medicines from their given resources. Alchemy and merchanting are popular professions in Kholamic society.   Later horse handling would be another large facet of Mandahm culture. In total, both of these cultures focused their crafts around the natural elements, and became some of the best healers in Severon. Ironically, the Mandahms would become the best wreakers of havoc on Severon as well.

Fantasy Additions

The Kholams are a wide and exotic variety of races, ranging from orcs and trolls to halflings. Their bogland environment allowed for the prevalence of witches, potions, and the like to thrive versus other regions around the Kronis. Also emerging along with the Mandahms were centaurs and elementals, which had been tamed in Kholamic adventures in the Salkan Scape. As far as records go, the Kholams/Mandahms are the only culture to collectively inhabit a mountainous area successfully, given all the dangers it possesses.
Artwork by Karl Kopinski

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