The Dollmaker's Attic Report in Kraal | World Anvil
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The Dollmaker's Attic

General Summary

C351SL, Dreki, Hazel, MJ, Yev   The party went to the chambers of Dedric Eregast , a sage whose supply of alchemy and spell ingredients had been ransacked, chewed, and eaten by some type of magic-eating vermin. The critters had snuck in through a gap gnawed in the back wall of Eregast's supply closet, which turned out to be a thin false wall hiding a ladder to a dusty, forgotten attic space.   The attic contained workshops for crafting dolls and mannequins of various shape and size, and an alchemy lab where ingredients were assembled in different ratios, in a series of experiments to imbue the figures with life. A squalid prison of cramped, cruel cages once housed unwilling donors for blood and flesh, but they had all died years ago, bringing an end to the experiments.   After fighting several animated dolls and mannequins, they found the experimentor. Itself a highly realistic construct, it had carried out its instructions obediently for years, building roomfuls of dolls and mannequins, even after the animation experiments ended. Much more advanced than the others, it bled liquid mercury, used telepathic suggestion to try to force the characters to leave, and disintegrated into fire and smoke when slain.   The vermin were created as accidental byproducts of failed experiments, creating bizarre little chaos monsters that ate magical components, hated spellcasters, and sometimes explosively reacted to spells being cast. Potentially disastrous in a place like the Bibliopolis, but the den seems to have been dealt with.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
20 Nov 2021
Primary Location
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