Soriya in Kothrend | World Anvil
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The Thrill-Seeking Thief


Soriya was raised in on the streets of the Zanrayb metropolis as part of a gang of child pickpockets who were watched over and trained by a former priest of Drekd. A girl of unique talents, she was given special training and education, including in the ways of dancing and entertainment, in anticipation of the day when she'd be initiated as a Nubile. When she was old enough she set out on her own. She spent several years making her own way in Zanrayb, joining in robberies and other petty schemes among the metropolis' unsavoury characters.


A raven haired, top heavy bombshell with luscious curves and a shapely, near perfect heart shaped backside. Her lips are full, often in a playful crooked smile and her dark eyes seem to dance with both humor and pain. Soriya's navel is pierced, and displays a mysterious jewel. Her nubile tattoo is a scared mark of Drekd at the small of her back.

Last seen...

In a wealthy merchant's dungeon.


  High Concept: Thief with Quick Wits and Big Tits
Trouble: Weighed down with debts
Thirst inspiring thrill seeker
At Home in the Dark
A Blade is a Nubile's best friend   Top Skills: Burglary (+4), Deceive (+3), Athletics (+3)
Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125lb
Eyes: Grey
Measurements: 36D-24-35
Most ticklish spot: Feet, underarms

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