Lyria Valfiell in Kothrend | World Anvil
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Lyria Valfiell

The Devoted Mage



Lyria was born in a small village to a family of modest means. As just one child among many, she found herself left to her own devices. It was only when her Gift of the Gods manifested that her life began to change. It soon became obvious that she had been blessed by the Gods themselves. She could harness the arcane energies of the world on their behalf. This made her valuable to the people around her. But Lyria herself was enthralled by her ability. Convinced that it would be her place in the world to serve the Gods she, at last, knew what she was meant to do. A chance meeting with an acolyte traveling to a distant temple set her on her path. Travel to the temple of her God - God of magic and mysteries – and be his messenger.   But, as she grew so did her beauty. With each year that brought her closer to the ceremony her dream of wandering the world was disappearing. And when Lyria was betrothed she decided to run. And so, she taught herself the skills she would need to hide. The young girl learned to harness her gifts and, importantly, she learned how to lie. All this, in preparation for what was inevitable. If the marriage were to happen she would never leave her husband's home and never again be able to serve her God. And so, on the day after her ceremony, exactly one week before her wedding, Lyria ran. She packed up what meager possessions she had managed to squirrel away and left her village. Her first stop was the temple the traveling acolyte had told her about, all those years ago.  


Lyria dresses as one would expect of a nubile, eager as she is to keep her identity a secret. She tends to wear her striking red hair straight down her back, though it is generally hidden by a hood. The few freckles on her face, and her striking green eyes tend to give her an air of innocence. Her body is plush, with all the curves you would expect to see on a woman.  

Last seen...

Lost in a brigand-infested forest.  


High Concept: Aspiring Acolyte of Kaspel
Trouble: Runaway nubile bride
Aspect 3: Above all, my words protect me.
Aspect 4: By divine gift, I use the arcane to protect myself.
Aspect 5: If I can honor my god, I will.
Careful Clever Forceful Flashy Quick Sneaky
+2 +1 +2 +0 +1 +3
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 111lbs

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