Lina Wistwillow in Kothrend | World Anvil
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Lina Wistwillow

The Enthusiastic Treasure Hunter



Living in her village taught Lina that life was slow, boring, and that if she went even the more glamorous route of being a nubile that she would forever be constrained by whatever a man decided for her. While she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind, the few social fights in her life had ended with her pushed in the mud or easily restrained by more powerful people. Frustrated with a seemingly unwinnable situation, she was a less enthusiastic child until in her teen years when foreign traders came to her village. The traders seemed unbelievably wealthy and many had beautiful and strange foreign artifacts. The prices they were charging seemed unbelievably high although she later learned that certain magical things and ancient artifacts really could be sold for that much. The world outside of her village seemed dangerous but tempting to Lina. It seemed to her that everything she ever wanted was out there waiting for her and that she just had to be willing to go after it!
  Lina would always ask the traders questions and spend time with them whenever they came to the village. Luckily they seemed to tolerate her and over time she began to learn what things were worth and where to sell them. As she began to blossom into a young beauty, one of the traders had suggested she learn to dance in order to make money from men. Farming and the other trades needed too much strength and took so long, so naturally Lina enthusiastically embraced this new opportunity. The more daring her dances, the happier the men who watched her became until she became an expert in teasing men. Nearing her nubile ceremony, Lina finally learned where the traders were getting their artifacts when she spoke with some adventurers. Many were buried beneath the earth in ancient caves, temples, or castles in lawless places. She didn’t have the money to be a trader yet, but she could search for treasures of her own! While she kept a sharp knife with her, she knew that she wasn’t built for fighting. Sneaking through these places proved much easier for the lithe dancer and while she had only found leftovers from other adventurers in places not far from her, she’d made enough money to go to Cutlass Wharf. Sadly, she was intrigued by good food, comfortable surroundings, and shiny jewelry so her savings didn’t seem to last long no matter how much she made. Hopefully in that more savage area, the treasures would be great enough to last her a lifetime!


She is a small, slender dancer, with a light complexion. Her soft chestnut eyes are set under long eyelashes on her heart-shaped face, with long, dark hair falling down to rest midway past her back. Her pert nose sits above her full, pink lips, curving often into a tempting pout. Her slender throat leads down to a full chest, which juts out on her little frame. Her lean stomach leads down to a trim waist, completing her hourglass figure, with a round, heart shaped rear. She skips a little with the sway of her body as she moves, with long, smooth legs leading down to a pair of dainty feet.

Last seen...

Captured by a D'lippan fighting party.


  • High Concept: Enthusiastic Treasure Hunter
  • Trouble: Seduced by Rich Living
  • Skilled Dancer
  • Nubile Charm
  • Stealthy
Careful Clever Forceful Flashy Quick Sneaky
2 1 0 3 1 2
Age: 18
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 115lb

Most ticklish spot: Feet, tummy, underarms, breasts, earlobe, waist, and thighs

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