Snuffle Species in Kostea | World Anvil
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Similar to their sister species the Snurkle, the Snuffle is a small round ball with eyes. This ball however, is made out of soft fur. Equipped with 4 legs of equally soft fur, these creatures are Kostea's equivalent to dogs. Snuffles are curious little creatures, always looking for the next nook or cranny to fit their small body inside. They are one of most preferred pets for children, as they are ferociously protective of their owners and can form quite the mob if angered.

Basic Information


Small balls of fur measuring a foot in circumference. They have 4 limbs, capable of running and jumping all over the place in excitement. Their fur is all one color except for the nose, which is usually black. Their fur color varies greatly, but common colors include blue, brown, red, gray, orange, and green.

Genetics and Reproduction

One of the greatest mysteries ever to confront Kostea's scientists is: Where do snuffles come from? Snuffles have never been observed mating. A test was once completed where a single snuffle was left out in a fenced off part of the wild, and within 4 weeks 8 new snuffles had appeared with it, but there was no sign of any entry from outside the fence,and video evidence showed no sign of asexual reproduction. The new Snuffles seemingly just appeared from somewhere out of the frame of view.

Growth Rate & Stages

Snuffles do not appear to ever grow, maintaining the same size and shape throughout their life. As a snuffle reaches elderly stages however, it has been shown to have its fur darken in color.

Ecology and Habitats

Snuffles are found all over Kostea, from the driest deserts to the wettest oceans. They are adapted to survive in all ecosystems, and are hardly raised by changes in their environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Snuffles are able to eat many different things, from specially made food to table scraps. Their favorite food is your everyday kibble, able to be bought at any pet store.

Additional Information


Snuffles are easy to domesticate, and at times self domesticated. They will eagerly approach people and especially love playing with children. Often times parents will return home to discover a snuffle smuggled itself into their vehicle, wish to be kept by them. A snuffle that is accepted by its owners will stay with them forever and be extremely loyal. If a snuffle is rejected, it will be a little sad, but before too long it will return to its regular routine.

Average Intelligence

The same intelligence as your average puppy, though they can be trained to do all sorts of interesting things, as well as often displaying slightly higher levels of intelligence, but usually not for the good of their owners.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While they have no visible ears, Snuffles are capable of hearing perfectly fine, and respond to low pitched noises more then higher pitched. They communicate using strings of clicks and whistling sounds. Snuffles also have small rounded noses on the front of their face,often hiding their small mouths from view, used for sniffing for food,enemies, and new play toys.
20-25 years
Average Height
1 foot
Average Weight
25-36 pounds
Average Length
6 inches
Snuffle cover

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Aug 26, 2021 21:17
