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Korétra is a world of myth and legend, inspired heavily by real-world mythologies, particularly Egyptian, Greek, and Norse mythology. Much like games such as Age of Mythology or Titan Quest, the world of Korétra explores what happens when these drastically different mythologies collide.   Almost every major nation has its own pantheon of gods that it follows. The rugged men and women of Ymirria worship the classical Norse pantheon, the cultured folk of Thelia worship the classical Greek pantheon, and the enlightened citizens of Kezan worship the classical Egyptian pantheon. In other parts of the world away from the continent of Ultia, there are other cultures that have their own beliefs and gods.   For quite some time, Ultia has known relative peace. Though there are always minor skirmishes and border disputes between the three nations of Ultia, there hasn't been a full-on war for many generations. However, all is not well. There are some people that are hell-bent on starting war anew, though nobody really knows who they are or what their motivations are. Even the gods, powerful as they are, have no means of preventing such a thing.   As per an ancient covenant, the gods are unable to directly influence the world of mortals. On top of that, they are forbidden from interfering in mortal matters if it does not involve one of their own. The Ymirrian gods stay in Ymirria, just as the Thelian gods stay in Thelia. To this end, they have agents of their own to act in their stead, and none are as mighty as those few mortals with the blood of the divines flowing in their veins. These Children of the Gods have vastly more potential than other mortals, and even begin to manifest strange and powerful abilities as they grow more attuned with their divine ancestry.   If there's anyone that can stop the inevitable descent into total war, it's these few gifted individuals. But not all with such powers use them for good. Mortals, even those with heritage, can choose their own path. One way or another, whether for good or ill, the future of Ultia - and perhaps the future of all of Koretra - lies now in the hands of the Children of the Gods. It is through the decisions they make and the alliances they forge that they will keep intact the peace that has lasted so long - or destroy it, and let war reign.

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