Main Quest Plot in Komara | World Anvil
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Main Quest

Plot points/Scenes

The Shadow Fiend, a shady individual who breathes and desires chaos, has been making his mark on the world since before the Empire. He even influenced the Queen turned Empress, perhaps setting her on her way to subjugating the rest of the continent. Never showing himself, he works from the shadows to destablize the world and create forever escalating conflic. He sows seeds of doubt and distorts the truth, turning people against each other and their gods.   In the year 607, a poorly chosen Conduit (servant of the Fiend) made the group of heroes known as Lór Estel aware of the presence of the Fiend. He ignored this at first, but as they started to actually get to some of his servant, he set a trap, and seven years after they first saw his name, he made certain of their deaths at the acidic breath of a black dragon.   Now, he sows seeds of chaos unchallenged.


Strange conflict, misinformation, secrets



The causation of unnceccessary, escalating conflict

Rising Action

The escalation of the disorder, the brewing rebellion.


Rebellion is set off, while the Fiend uses the distraction to set is actual plan in motion.



Goal of the protagonists is to find the Shadow Fiend, discover his plans, and restore order to the world.


The entirety of the Desperate Necromancer; Mellora Stoneshaper of Seranna, the Isolationist Elves, and Dominic and Galad Summers of Summer's Peak.
Plot type
Main Storyline
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