Tenedziin Organization in Kōna | World Anvil
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The Tenedziin may refer to one of two things: either the collection of tribes in the Tanadszomo Mountains as a whole, which are now ruled by the empire of Tajj Neta, or simply the tribe which refers to itself as the Tenedziin, encompassing the Northwestern reaches of the Tanadszomo range. Historically, the term only referred to the tribe, but with the recent Absorption of the Tenedzum  , Tajj Netan officials have taken to calling the governing body of the entire region the Tenedziin. In any case, the officials from the tribe of the Tenedziin are now the ones principally in charge of diplomatic relations between the new province of the Tenedzum and the ruling Tajj Netan Empire, so it is somewhat fair to refer to the government of the entire region as the Tenedziin. The region controlled by the Tenedziin contains some of the most important areas to all Tanadszomo peoples, such as the high peak of Kedz Ksunjok, the ancient city of Dedz Moton, and the rich mines of Menjumon


The Tenedziin are one of the more technologically advanced tribes of the Tenedzum, and certainly one of the fiercest in battle, which allowed them to conquer the northwestern territory of the Tanadszomo Mountains, which is typically seen as the most strategically important area as well as the richest in natural resources such as gold, iron, and uranium. Because of this, they have long been seen as the dominant force in the region, and they have grown wealthy through trade with other tribes as well as other nations entirely. Their culture is sophisticated, although to an outsider who does not understand their ways, they sometimes seem savage or primitive. While many of the Tenedziin's conflicts are settled through battle, and it could be described as a warrior-culture, it is more equal than many other cultures of the Tenedzum, as they keep no slaves, and allow women to fight alongside the men in their battles. All citizens are required to be trained in fighting, and should be ready in case of an attack, but any who wish are also entitled to study at one of their academies, or join the priesthood in the study of The Language of Life. Their holy sites are maintained spectacularly, and most have been quite happy to live among the Tenedziin in the past. However, with the recent conquering of the region by the Tajj Netan armies, political unrest has risen dramatically and there is occasional talk of rising up against the oppressive empire and campaigning to liberate and take over the entirety of the Tenedzum. Only time will tell what may come of these talks.


The borders of the Tenedziin have changed many times throughout the past, yet they have survived far longer than many other Tanadszomo tribes, and had developed into a fully autonomous state with a centralized government before the recent wars of the Tanadszomo Mountains. The earliest records of a tribe known as the Tenedziin date all the way back to before the Unification Crusade , and they have won many wars throughout the years to keep their independence, both against previous incarnations of the Tajj Netan empire, and neighboring tribes such as the Metziin and the Tanziin.


  • Tanadszomo Mountains
Geopolitical, State
Ruling Organization
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Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
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