Gifts Physical / Metaphysical Law in Kitcodeia | World Anvil
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From Kimly Emeraldkeeper's Gifts and Humankind

Every Human on Kitcodeia is born with a Gift, a nugget of magic inside them that grants them powers. Powers differ from person to person, each person's Gift granting them powers unlike any other. Some powers may seem grander than others, but that is not the purpose. Every person has a purpose and though these purposes differ not one is more important than the others.

The Gifts are said to come from the powers of the Crystals, given to Humans to help them to thrive on the planet created for them, much like how Elves and Dwarves were given extended lifespans and other features unique to their races. Some believe that Humans were more favoured than the Elvish and Dwarven peoples which is why the Humans were graced with the power of Gifts, but I believe otherwise. In my opinion (humble or otherwise), it seems that Humans as a race are rather egotistic and quick to believe that they are better than those around them. No, the Humans were not given Gifts out of favouritism or any such foolishness, Humans are just ignorant of the abilities that were granted to the other races.

Manifesting and Surges

Gifts Manifest in Humans when they reach around the age of fifteen. Of course, many people develop them earlier or later, as is true of much of Human development. Gifts often Manifest in Surges; a sudden burst of their power rushes through the person's body giving their Gift an extra sudden boost. Surges are erratic and little is known about what causes them as most people will go through their lives experiencing only a handful of them. Others, however, experience them frequently but no conclusive links have ever been made to discover the causes.

The Crystals Keepers claim that Surges happen to the Acolytes of the Crystals when they first enter the presence of another of the same Generation of Keeper. However, some Keepers and Acolytes claim never to have experienced this unique phenomenon, leaving us to continue to wonder about the exact causes of Surges and their reason.

Archivists Notes

This information was collected from Gifts and Humankind written by Kimly Emeraldkeeper, in 442 PC.


Kimly's work is remarkable, considering how early into the Post Crystalria era she was writing. Her comments on the possibility of the Dwarven race having some equivalent of the Elven Blessings or Human Gifts. However, her research on Surges is incomplete and lacking. This small sample of her writing on it shows how little was known of them other than the fact that they existed.

Now we know that Surges rarely among anyone other than Keeper's and Acolytes, and even then only if the Acolyte is unaware of their status. It is currently believed that Surges are the Crystal's way of pushing people towards their intended fates. Research is still inconclusive as it is very hard to measure these occurances.

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