Sect of the Otherworldly in Khelvoren | World Anvil
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Sect of the Otherworldly

Shaman Subclass

The Sect of the otherworldly is for those shamans who conjure the spirits from other worlds, like the Feywild, The Far Realm, The pits of hell in Dahlos, or the rage-filled realm of Rvurhk. Each of these realms has its way of communing with their spirits, but each of them is equally vile. Shamans of these realms often had a fascination with these realms before calling its spirits to them.  

Horror of Choice

Before you get any of the class features from this subclass, you must choose one of the four Realms: Feywild, Far Realm, Dahlos, Rvurhk. The chosen realm will dictate what parts of a class feature you get.

Sect Spirit

As part of your sect, you gain an additional spirit, which doesn’t count towards your owned spirits. Which of the four spirits you gain depends on the realm you have chosen.
Spirit of the Fey
Guide: As a reaction, you can teleport up to 30ft away to unoccupied spot and become invisible until the end of your next turn. You can only do this once and need to take a long rest to be able to do it again.
Totem: You can see creatures that are invisible within your totem’s aura. Additionally, when a creature attacks you while standing inside the totem’s reach, it takes psychic damage equal to 1/5 of your Shaman level (minimum 1).
Spirit of the Far Realm
Guide: When you hit a spell or weapon attack against a creature, you can use your reaction to force a wisdom save against that creature against your spell DC. If it fails, it takes psychic damage to that creature equal to twice your shaman level, and creature also suffers 1 long-term madness (roll on the long-term madness table). If the creature succeeds, it suffers your shaman level in psychic damage. You can only do this once, and you need to take a long rest to be able to do it again.
Totem: You have blindsight within your totems reach.
Spirit of Dahlos
Guide: When you cast a spell that deals either fire, cold or psychic damage, you can extend that spells range by 30ft if it isn’t touch or self-targeted.
Totem: As an action, you can force charisma save against each creature in the totem’s aura you choose. If they fail, they take 1d8 fire, cold or psychic damage (your choice). If they succeed, they take half of that damage. You can do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, where you regain your uses after a long rest. This becomes 2d8 at 5th level, 3d8 at 9th level, 4d8 at 13th and 5d8 at 17th level.

Spirit of Rvurhk

Guide: As a bonus action, you can make 1 weapon attack. You can do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, where you regain your uses after a long rest.
Totem: When a hostile creature is hit with a weapon attack within your totem’s aura, you can use your reaction to maximize the damage roll. You can only do this once and need to take a long rest to be able to do it again.

Otherworldly Gift

When you choose this subclass, you gain a certain extra blessing from your realm of choice.
  • The Feywild or Dahlos: You can choose 1 cantrip from the warlock spell list. This spell is added to your spell list and doesn’t count towards your total amount of cantrips. You gain 1 additional cantrip from the warlock list when you reach level 8
  • The Far Realm or Rvurhk: You gain proficiency in martial weapons and heavy armor.

Emotional Harvesting

When you choose this subclass, you learn to exploit the emotions of mortals just like the dreaded realms do. When you perform a weapon attack or spell attack against a single creature, you can choose to make the target creature make a wisdom save against your spell save DC. If they fail, they are either frightened (if you choose either Dahlos or Rvurhk) or charmed (if you chose either The Feywild or Far Realm). This lasts until the end of your next turn. If the creature is still affected by your manipulation the next turn, you can choose to use your bonus action to extend it. The creature then makes the saving throw again, and if they fail the effect continues until the end of your next turn. You can do this a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier, where you regain your uses after a long rest. You can also only evoke the frightened or charm effect once, before needing a short or long rest. If the effect failed, it doesn’t count as used.

Emotional Abuse

At 5th level, you have learned to utilize the extreme emotions that you cause. Attacking or affecting a target with either the frightened (if you choose either Dahlos or Rvurhk) or the charmed effect (if you chose either The Feywild or Far Realm) doesn’t break the effect. Additionally, when you use your bonus action to prolong the Emotional Harvesting effect, you regain 1d4 HP. This changes to a 1d6 at 9th level, a 1d8 at 13th level and a 1d10 at 17th level. When you gain the effect to use it on multiple creatures, the amount of health you regain stack.

Otherworldly Prowess

Also, at 5th level, you gain an edge in combat depending on which realm you are devoted to:
  • The Feywild or Dahlos: You can add your Wisdom modifier to damage with your shaman cantrips.
  • The Far Realm or Rvurhk: You get Extra Attack.

Prolonged Dread

At 10th level, you have learned to make the emotional sufferings longer. The amount of times you can extend your Emotional Harvesting is increased by 1/3 of your Shaman level. You can also provoke your Emotional Harvesting an additional time on a second creature. When you use your bonus action to extend the effect, you make extend it for both creatures. At 18th level, you can use it a third time on a third creature.

Soul Crusher

At 15th level, you have learned to evoke emotions in creatures that would otherwise be impossible. You can use your Emotional Harvesting feature on creatures that are immune to frightened or charm effect, but they do instead gain advantage on the saving throw. Additionally, when you kill a creature with a weapon attack or spell that is under the effect of your Emotional Harvesting effect, you regain the uses of the effect itself and of the times you expended the effect on that creature.

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