The Shacaza Organization in Kezoo | World Anvil
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The Shacaza (shuh-KUH-zuh)

The Shacaza, or Hovering Menaces, are nine very evil beings. They are servants of Kragzar the Great. They used to be strong warriors but were corrupted by him. They will now do anything that he wishes of them. They are under his complete control. All of their life, if it can be called that, is in his staff, The Staff of Andor. If the Staff was broken then they would fade from the world. Since they were living men they can still communicate in The Common Language, see the mortal world, and smell worldly scents. But they also have many strange powers, such as, they can see The Phantom World, they can fly, they can see perfectly in the dark, they can move through a solid object, they don't have to eat, and they can communicate over long distances with their master and each other. They resemble 3 dimensional shadows, so they will wear long, black cloaks when they have dealings with mortals.
The nine Shakaza are these: Kargen is the head of the Shacaza and is high in the favor of Kragzar. Aska is the second in command and is usually sent on the most dangerous missions. Rislin is the plan-maker of the group. He is the one that always comes up with the master plan. Flagar and Clanard are the spies because they are slyer then the rest. Raski, Zarik, Malarby, and Mulian are the force of the group. They are always the ones to do the dirty work.
Military, Special Operations Force

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