Pacha Inka Character in Keokliovar | World Anvil
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Pacha Inka

Pacha Inka

Reason for adventuring

Seeking my Harbinger, so I can mentor them and defend them as they assume their role as an interpreter of Chauntea and guide to her people.  

Opinion of the Empire

Low, as the Diaspora goes against his values.  


had an older sister, and has a father and mother.  

Memory 1

I remember that day. It was nice, warm day. There was a gentle breeze, and Ipa and I were enjoying the time that we had without having to worry about work. She was humming as she usually does as she was focused on her books and studies. To think, I never understood or cared about her interest in the Weave. Thought it was something that wouldn't help show the compassion of Chauntea. My ignorant thoughts are perhaps what clouded me that day. With sudden halt in her humming, I opened my eyes. She was gone, with her book on the ground. I yelled out and searched for days. I began diving into her books and studies about the Weave. I know this archaic energy has something to do with her disappearance, and I will find out how to bring her back.    

Memory 2

It had been about 5 years since my sister's disappearance. If it wasn't for my faith and devotion to Chauntea, I do not know where I would be. I had taken up training with the temple so I could be a Sentinel in her name. It was my nightly visit to the tree that had marked where I last saw Ipa. I do not know what had provided me such fortune, but Chauntea had graced me with her presence. A beautiful glow surrounded, and peace had reached my distraught heart. Following her soft smile, she enlightened me with my destined duty as a Sentinel. I must find my Harbinger, so my people can continue to be protected and guided. It is through my Harbinger, that I will find out how to bring back my sister.    

DM notes

  Things I still need from you  
  1. Age & DOB (work with me to find DOB as I have a custom world calendar)


Contacts & Relations

Vira Inka - Father (45) Runtu Inka - Mother (43) Ipacura Inka - Sister (16)
Neutral Good
Jade Green
Obsidian Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Magnetite dark gray

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