Bruin Lun'Vaal Character in Keokliovar | World Anvil
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Bruin Lun'Vaal

Bruin Lun'Vaal

Bruin grew up in a Tribe, nestled in the safety of a northern valley. The tribe was called Lun'Vaal, which literally translates to Moon Valley. This was due to the valley they were nestled in amplifying the light of the moon, especially when full, filling it with a silver glow.   A greatly spiritual people, Bruin's ancestors were given sanctuary here when the empire started their crusades when the other clans and tribes vouched for them as peaceful and wise. The late emperor granted them this land to live away from the conflict, so that they may continue to offer guidance to the other Clans and Tribes in times of need, and to act as mediators in disputes between the Empire and the Orcs.   After hundreds of years, the Lun'Vaal tribe had cultivated and developed the area they lived in, creating a beautiful homestead community, self-sufficient and prosperous. The tribe was guided by a High-Shaman, who's duties would include helping and healing those in need, keeping the peace within the tribe, and governing them.   Bruin was in-line to become the new apprentice to the current High-Shaman, as he was born with Grey skin, a sign of a greater connection to the Moon. He trained for 5 years, learning how to lead his Tribe, and how to provide for it. During his finishing ceremony, when the whole tribe was gathered, a great Imperial force approached, demanding they submit to them as their lands had become forfeit to the new emperor after the events of the Nihileth. A great outcry was heard from the Lun'Vaal people, but any resistance was met with greater force, and soon there was conflict. Many were cut down, and Bruin was told to run by the High-Shaman.   Bruin was hounded, along with others that escaped with him, and one by one they were cut down or separated from each other. A foul feeling started to rise within Bruin, and as he was cornered by Imperial soldiers he lashed out with primal ferocity. After some time, Bruin managed to contain his bestial rage, and looked upon what he had done. He vowed to learn how to control his powers, and to unleash them upon the people who destroyed his old home.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, Broad, Well Built.

Body Features

Tribal tattoos depicting a cradled moon.

Facial Features

Large Orcish tusks, and tribal piercings.

Identifying Characteristics

Large bite-mark on his left shoulder.

Apparel & Accessories

Wolf-tooth totem necklace, Dire-wolf pelt cloak.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised to become the next Shaman of his tribe, his final ceremony was interrupted by Empire forces.


Taught by the tribal elders and the High Shaman of the Lun'Vaal how to provide for himself and the tribe.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Slew a Dire-Wolf after it had been tracking him for days.

Failures & Embarrassments

Having to flee from his home in the northern valley.

Intellectual Characteristics

Approaches some tasks with an animalistic mentality.

Morality & Philosophy

Do what you can to survive, put yourself first, then you can help others when you're safe.

Personality Characteristics


Survival, restoring and rebuilding his tribe and home, revenge on those who caused him to flee.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes exploring cities as he didn't grow up around them. Likes Pie and Mead. Likes the comforts of the wild that he grew up with.   Dislikes being threatened or challenged.


Religious Views

The land can provide, but you must treat it with respect.

Proud, Wise, and Fierce, Bruin seeks to reclaim his lost homeland and restore his tribe, and save them from the Empire.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
28 Avanaatian Years Old
Date of Birth
4th of Gludosis, 546
The Northern Valley
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
7ft 2in.
290 pounds
Known Languages
Common, Orcish, Elvish, Druidic.

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