The Order of the Crown Organization in Kelkanor | World Anvil
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The Order of the Crown

The Order of the Crown is a knightly order formed by Darius the 1st shortly after his coronation. Darius wished to create an Order of Knights to help reassert control over the kingdom after decades of war under his fathers expansion campaign had left many of the fighting populace either dead or away. This meant that the lords who oversee the peasants safety and ensure the rule of law was loosened, and so large crime syndicates started to fill that role. With Crime so wide spread in the kingdom Darius formed the order to protect the nobles rule and in doing so his own.   Since then the order has flourished at keeping the peace. The order never managed to fully stamp out crime and fortunately its leaders have all understood that this is not possible. The Orders primary goal is to seek criminals, ensure the peasants safety, and to hunt down and eradicate any major criminal groups that would threaten to destabilize the Kingdom. It should be noted that the Order excels at its work however, it understands that crime is tenacious and always finds a way. This is why the Order rarely seeks to stamp out large guilds of Thieves or smugglers, some organisations are so powerful and ingrained into the world that removing them would do more harm then good and eventually they would regrow. This is why the order of the Crown tolerates certain groups who operate within the Kingdom, only interfering to ensure that they do not cross the line as it were.


Order Ranks

The Knights of the Order of the crown are identified by a sash with their motto written upon it, the sash colours vary depending on the rank of the Knight, this colour is stated in each rank's summary below:  
  • (Gold) Knight-Commander - Head of the Order, their role is to oversee the direction of the Order and act as the King's personal liaison informing him of the order's findings and perceived troubled areas. The Knight-Commander will receive orders from the King usually a general direction for the Commander to follow; bring the Harvest lands to heel. 
  • (Silver) Knight-Captain - Oversees a province, responsible for dispatching troops towards threats to the Law of the land. Captains are given residence in their respective province capital, usually in the orders greater barracks. Captains delegate their Knight-Lieutenants to their respective missions and patrols. There are currently 4 Knight Captains who command between 4 and 8 Knight-Lieutenants.
  • (Blue) Knight-Lieutenant - Leader of a troop (sometimes referred to as a unit), responsible for field operations and investigations. A Knight-Lieutenant commands up to 30 lesser knights, this number varies from troop to troop but the lowest recorded troop number is 9.
  • (Green) Knight - The lowest rank within the order, these are the grunts who serve within a province and under a Knight-Lieutenant, usually, Knights of the order are adept at investigation and perception skills which are key for upholding the law and seeking out criminals. The lowest knights usually specialize within their 3rd year of service, these specializations are given unique names that act more like titles than ranks and some stick with the knight even as they ascend the ranks of the order. Common titles are Sentinel, Stratel, Inquisitive, Tracker, & Scout. 

Operations Structure

  The Order of the Crown operates within the Kingdom of Stormwind. The kingdom is vast and as such, the order has separated the Kingdom into its providence's and into regions within each providence. The Provinces vary in size and as such the size of the forces in each varies, since the Harvest Land is the biggest province they have 240 knights of the order under the command of Knight-Captain Osmond. The Hill Lands and Forrest Lands have 150 knights each, under the command of Knight-Captain Drakkon (Hill Lands) and Knight-Captain Marius (Forest Lands). The final province the Marsh Lands is the smallest of the four provinces and thus has a very small presence. Knight-Captain Avilius who commands 4 Knight Lieutenants who share 64 Knights between them, the Marsh Lands are sparsely populated and thus require less attention by the Order of the Crown.


When Darius the 1st of Stormwind ascended the throne he inherited a kingdom in shambles. His fathers non-stop expansion campaign meant that thousands of knights and men-at-arms were being summoned every month to fight against the orcs. These men and women however, where usually the peace keeping forces in the local towns, villages and cities. Darius formed the Order of the Crown to return law and Order to his lands, these knights would seek out wanted criminals and have the authority to enact the Kings Justice themselves.    The first of these Knights was a veteran of the Hill Land expansion a knight by the name of Ser Sulla. Sulla was knighted by Darius and charged with finding 50 knights who would be able to carry out Darius' justice across the kingdom, warriors who shared a hatred for the criminals of the land and showed aptitude for hunting and tracking. Sulla returned within the month with 50 such knights and so the Order was born, with Ser Sulla becoming the first Knight-Commander of the order.

Law, Loyalty, Responsibility & Courage

Founding Date
Civilian, Knightly Order
Alternative Names
Darius' Demons, Crownies
Training Level
Parent Organization


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