Soul of the Sea Celebration Tradition / Ritual in Ke'Ten | World Anvil
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Soul of the Sea Celebration

Soul of the Sea Celebration, is an annual event celebrating the founding of the Island city and the many blessings that the ocean god, Ambrose has blessed the people of Alabaster. It's true roots were lost to time, today it is a patriotic celebration of the city. Parades, food fests, helping those less fortunate and dazzling night time light shows are often associated with this event. At the end of the celebration, a woman is chosen by the reigning ruler to perform "Ilayda’s Dive".
  the Soul of the Sea Celebration is celebrated for a week, and attracts many people not only from all areas of Alabaster, but from the lands that the Countess has sway over, including The Twins.
Given that Alabster is an Island city-Nation, Most of the parades are navel in execution. The Royal Fleet, Merchant vessels, pleasure crafts, most are welcome to participate. Pirate need not apply.
Honoring the ocean god's one true love, Illayda, a woman is chosen from a select pool of women by the reigning ruler. Priests anoint the chosen with special herbs and oils, dress her in fine white robes and place a blindfold on her eyes, symbolizing Illayda's return from the dead, saved by her husband Ambrose from his evil mother Maia, goddess of Death.
  The Head Priest, then leads the woman up to the cliffs outside of town. the priest then blesses the Illayda, and tells her to join her husband in the depths. The Illayda then leaps into the sea below. If she dies, the blessings of Ambrose are said to give the island plentiful harvest of fish and bountiful merchants. If she survives, its the opposite.
  The Countess does give the woman's family coins to replace the loss of their daughter. As of 4478 AS. there's only been a handful of times that the woman survives the dive.
  Many still go on with this celebration as they appreciate the bounties provided with such, and some of the more outspoken opponents have 'left' Alabaster for better waters. There still some murmurs that the story of the dive was a tragedy and this is an abominational farce that will eventually earn the sea god's wrath. These murmurers also call the cliffs they hold the dive from the Cliffs of blood.
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