Darktown Building / Landmark in Ke'Ten | World Anvil
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Darktown is the prison underneath the city of Alabaster. Given the location of Alabaster, the whole prison complex is under sea level. The Warden, Maivas Redmiu, keeps the prison running, looking the other way when The Countess desires to play with those captured for her own satisfaction.

Purpose / Function

Darktown is a prison for Alabaster. Prisoners do include those that have upset the Countess somehow, Enemies of the State, and political prisoners.


The prison of Darktown is below sea level, constant upkeep by different prisoners keep the prison from being completely flooded. Though recently (as in the 18th of Alyarius, 4478 A.S.) During a prison break, a 5 foot diameter hole has appeared through multiple walls in the warden level of the prison. almost cracking through the outside wall.


Stone, both Natural and quarried. Iron for the bars. The mortar used for the stone, has been mixed with the material components needed for the casting of an Anitmagic field, the spell then cast to create antimagic zones to keep those prisoners who can use magic unable to do so.


Heavy walls, though the upkeep has slacked a bit. Clockwork sentinels, Bolt throwers and crushers roam the corridors, Humanoid guards also roam.
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