Urg'Neval Character in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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He is the only member of Gruum'Uruk that isn't part of Grak'Uruk's family. He was once a great orc war chieftain, who attained such glory and power that he rose to godhood, joining Grak'Uruk in the endless battles. The Blade is the god of strategy, attempting to teach the mindless brutes spawned by He Who Watches that strategy is the better part of courage. His followers are able and intelligent fighters, ones who know what and how to tell their fellow orcs so that they follow orders, and also who know how to fight, be it alone or leading a host of orcs. Often, a Blade of Urg'Neval is second to the leader of an orish hosts, serving as tactical advisor and leading the host's flanks as its storms forward in bloodlust. A Blade always keeps a cool head, and tries to save the host whenever it gets into a difficult situation.

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