Sillalaulee Character in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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Also called Moonbow and Jallana Joia, Sillalaulee is the goddess of the moon, the night, gained knowledge and moon elves. The Silver Heart is a joyful and instinctive god, one who lets her ideas guide her as she strives for discovery and beauty. In Silma Fael, she has created her own cave above the ground, in which intricate patterns of glowing silver lines shine down upon the smooth rock. Looking like a beautiful female moon elf, Jallana tolls around the silmarillan realm, embellishing what she believes should be prettier and learning from what she doesn't know. She is usually seen at night, the silver lines on her body dancing around as if they had a life of their own. Jallana is beloved for the night she bestows upon the world, and the moon and many stars she gives to shine down and enlighten the ground with beautiful silver. She also entitles knowledge and the acquiring of it, such as joyful exploration and wise deductions. The Moonbow might be venerated by a moon elf clan, simply because she is their patron, their inspirer and protector. Any elf in love with the night, the twinkling stars, or the shining moon might choose to pray for Jallana Joia simply because they're so beautiful. An elven archmage hoping to gain access to troves of knowledge might also choose to pray for her, so that she may grant him great memory and proficiency in learning. Venerating Jallana can be achieved through simple praying, typically by drawing silvery lines on one's body (which moon elves usually always have) and lying on stone, or beneath the moon. Just being near someone her followers love is often enough for their wishes to become true. Sometimes, crafting an object of great splendor, with many silver components and placed in a nice cave, can grant the creator long-lasting boons to thank for the new beauty he has brought upon the world.

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