Meanilllaue Character in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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The Black Lady is goddess of the night, of beauty, of wisdom and of the dark elves of old. A long time ago, when the elves were born, Sillalaulee was a member of the Silmarilus. She served as the calm view, the serious and beautiful aspect of elven nature. She was also patron of the drow. So, when the Elvish Wars broke out and the demon queen Lolth stole here people, Sillalaulee was devastated. Crying, she left Silma Fael and disappeared, her heart torn as her own beloved children had betrayed their race. Since then, she was always on the move, trying to find some drow and to restore them to a true elven nature. The weeping goddess often roams the Caverealm in the guise of a beautiful female drow, one without the evil sneer bestowed by Lolth, but with the sadness and inner beauty of a true child of Sillaulee. Her followers are scarce and typically consist of redeemed dark elves, as well as some benevolent inhabitants of the dark. Rarely is her presence welcome, and every rejection by the drow (often given in form of crossbow bolts) hurts her more as she roams on. Never has she attacked one of her children. No non-drow have ever worshipped Sillalaulee, but many elves fell to her beauty, only to be abandoned as the sad deity went on in her task of saving the drow. Some, abhorred by dark elven culture and demonic domination, sometimes turn to her in silence, wishing for an opportunity to escape their trist realms and join the beautiful Black Lady in her incessant voyage. Most often, drow males silently pray for her, hoping to escape their mistresses' leash. Drow renegades sometimes carve a tear into wood or stone, but such symbols are quickly removed by the matron mothers and followed by severe punishment.

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