Grankhul and Hruggek Character in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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Grankhul and Hruggek

Grankhul is the god of stealth and bugbears, whilst Hruggek is god of war, slaughter, and battle. The two are shown as powerful bugbear brothers, striding the world together. In Maglubiyet's host, Grankhul and Hruggek stalk the wild lands on the search of creatures to kill. Grankhul, representing the stealthy side of all bugbears, sneaks up to the enemy and takes it by surprise. Then, Hruggek, which is sometimes seen as an alternate persona of the same god as Grankhul, comes in and defeats the monster through combat. So, the two form a great team that only works if both members are present, inspiring bugbears to prise both of their innate abilities. Grankhul is lightly clad, wearing no armor and two blades to swiftly reach enemies and finish them. Hruggek is clad as a warrior, being covered in heavy scales of the many creatures he killed and using a huge mace to crush enemy bones. Therefore, most bugbears left to themselves will prey to both these gods, forgetting Maglubiyet in doing so. Often, they will put the heads of their enemies on stakes around the holes where they sleep, sowing or glueing their eyes to remain ever open. In this way, Hruggek is pleased because of the offering bestowed in the form of severed heads, and Grankhul is referenced with the ever-open eyes. Sometimes, he will grant the boon of a warning spell or similar effect upon the heads, so that the bugbear tribe knows well the two brothers are always watching over them. In larger goblinoid hosts, such a thing would be inacceptable by Maglubiyet. Therefore, the leaders of such hosts always forbid the placing of heads on stakes, and either skewer the entire bodies of slain enemies and place them around the entire camp, or just forbid staking altogether so Maglubiyet does not get outraged. In such cases, the champions of the bugbear group of the host are gratulated: the strongest is given special scale armor, and the stealthiest a commanding position in ambushing. So, the bugbears are kept happy, even if direct prayer to their gods is forbidden. In some even greater hosts, bugbear units are simply attributed one of the two gods as patron fitting the task of their unit.

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