Feudal Draconic States Organization in Karte-Caedras | World Anvil
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Feudal Draconic States


The Feudal Draconic States, as the name indicates, were a feudalistic society. They were ruled by a group of powerful dragons, to which a number of other powerful dragons were tied by allegiance, to which even more are owed allegiance. This made a wide network of dragons tied to one another.


As dragons came from the Labyrinth Winds, they found a wide open material plane. It began as a paradise for every dragon to raid and enrich themselves, but quite quickly powerful dragons allied all others beneath them to get some king of organized structure imposed upon the dragons so that the world wouldn't sink into chaos and leave nothing to plunder behind.


The feudal states were dissolved because of the emergence of the Draconic Order.


The states spread over the western coast of Balebu and the eastern coast of Bao-Mou.


All dragons were theoretically troops for the state's army, although most rarely got orders from their lords to attack anyone and they just raided and burned from their own initiative.


Each dragon was left to venerate its own deity of choosing. The main god was therefore Bahamut, whilst most chromatic dragons admired Tiamat instead. No large disputes erupted over religion, as a vassal's lord was often the same kind as it.

Foreign Relations

The feudal draconic states had some problems with the giant states to the west, although they got along sufficiently well not to openly fight each other. Any other races were hopelessly annihilated by any passing dragon.

Cosmological Views

The dragons believed their gods arrived before all mortal races were created upon the world of Ochebana. Right after giants were placed upon the world, the then common entity Bahamut-Tiamat was said to have given birth to dragons, to balance the universe and destroy the giants.

40'781 b. OW - 38'000 b. OW

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
Dragon Empire
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Judicial Body
The feudal states held neither a legislative nor a judicial body, as every dragon was forced to loyalty but had no need to follow any laws other than this. If a dragon didn't follow its lord's orders, well, it was dead, as the lords were always more powerful than their vassals.
Neighboring Nations

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