The Corner Settlement in Karil - The Calamity | World Anvil
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The Corner

During the Black Fever, Godspawn somehow managed to find their way into the city in The Corner. Countless lives were lost and it was only due to interference from The Avatar of The Radiant Sun and his Messiah that the Godspawn were ejected. This was just the first disaster to hit the district, however. Not long after the Godspawn had been driven out, an Ysoki Warren Ship crashed through the dimensional membrane and into the city, appearing inside the Corner. Both Ysoki and Ettercap died in multitudes in the crash. While the city council was at first unsure of what to do with the crashed Ysoki, quarantining the district, they have recently opened the district back up, letting the Ysoki into the city proper.

  Surprisingly, the Ettercaps and the Ysoki have gotten along quite well, helping each other to recoup from the losses that came from the crash. The majority of the inhabitants of The Corner now lives in warrens put together partly from scrap from the Warren Ship and Ettercap webbing. The Warrens are a mix of familial, political and trade organization, organizing the Ysoki and Ettercaps into groupings that aid each other while simultaneously scheming and plotting against other Warrens. While the Ettercaps and the Ysoki are principally equal, the Ysoki’s natural bent towards conspiracy and ambition has ensured that the majority of the Warren leaderships remain in Ysoki hands.


Mainly Ysoki and Ettercaps

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