Gehenna Guard Organization in Karil - The Calamity | World Anvil
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Gehenna Guard

During the Black Fever, the City Guard felt itself pressed beyond its capabilities - Rogue priests, rampaging monsters and mercenary companies was threatening to overwhelm the city and the guard was unable to stop it. At the precipice of Chaos, a hand was extended to help - That of Luciferan, the former Lord of The Scourge, an exiled devil. Infusing volunteers of the City Guard with infernal powers, they became capable of standing up to the threats they were facing. While the Guards are no longer as pressed as they were before, the Gehenna Guard has not stopped swelling its ranks, consisting of a good two dozen of devil-powered soldiers. While they remain committed to ensuring the rule of law, they have long since stopped taking orders from anyone, though they often help the City Guard if a situation gets out of hand and the normal guards can not handle it.
Government, Law Enforcement
Parent Organization

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