Ulrich Shieldbreaker Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Ulrich Shieldbreaker

Ulrich Shieldbreaker (a.k.a. The Fiend)

The towering knight, loyal to the Von Drachenstern family.   Ulrich was a silent man, and followed orders well, he always stood by his King, even in death. When the two brothers needed time to escape the horrors of the night, he was there to hold off the fiends, allowing the young brothers to escape.   Nothing is known of what became of this brave knight, but he has never been heard from again. He never received the proper burial he deserved.

The silent warrior who protected the rightful future king of Aeirendahl. In his final moments, King Siegfried granted him an honorary title as General of his army, alas, the knight knew it was the end of his story, and did everything in his power to stop the Royal Guard from touching his Lord. There has never been a more loyal Knight in all the realms.

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