Tyr, Former God of Law and Justice Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Tyr, Former God of Law and Justice

Tyr is depicted as a tall, armored figure shrouded in a blue cloak. In his hands he wields the legendary sword, Oath Keeper. A sword blessed by him to only carry out deeds of true justice.   The Old God of Justice, no longer actively serving as the God of Justice after he was defeated in combat by a mere heretical mortal, who unlocked the first secrets of magic, centuries ago.   Tyr spent many eons delivering diving justice to those deserving of it. Though due to Heinreich's curse, he too eventually became warped, and lost his sense of righteousness. Criminals went unpunished for their wicked deeds, the innocent suffered. This went on for more than 100 years, until Tyr was finally locked away by the very thing that corrupted him in the first place.  
He now sits in the void, festering, turning into a deity of Resent and Vengeance. He anxiously awaits his release along with his brothers, hoping to let the mortal realms feel his anger.
  Moral Alignment: Lawful Good turned Neutral Evil

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