Ramsay Von Drachenstern Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Ramsay Von Drachenstern

King Ramsay Von Drachenstern (a.k.a. The Usurper)

Word spread of the king's death quickly, there were many things to be said and questions to answer.   "Who will lead us now?"   "What became of the King!?"   "This was all your fault! Traitor!"   Ramsay arrived in the city of Aarenheim late into the night. With him were his men, but no king. This aroused many people's suspicions.   During the Battle of the Border, Ramsay and King Callahan fought valiantly. Each taking down hundreds of men by themselves alone, but found themselves and their troops quickly outnumbered. They had only brought half their army to the battlefield, the others were waiting for a signal from General Ramsay. That signal never came. The army of Aeirendahl was quickly overwhelmed. In a desperate call, King Callahan called out to his brother ordering him to retrieve the other half of the army, in hopes of winning the battle.   Ramsay froze, a thousand thoughts raced through his head, but there was one that had taken precedence. To be so close to power, and throw it all away? Wasteful. And so General Ramsay retreated from the battlefield, taking the rest of the army with him.   He rode for 4 days with no rest, killing his horse in the process, until he finally arrived in the city. He was greeted with mixed looks. Some of confusion, some of sadness, others of anger and intrigue. Ramsay rushed to the Keep, dead quiet, not a soul was awake but the guards. He awoke Master Ludwig with an envoy of guards and told him, "The old King is dead and the current Heir is much to young to rule. This is my Kingdom now." A grave expression grew over Ludwig's face, he knew what this meant.   Ramsay was quick to enter the princes' chambers, where they slept soundly. To kill them would be an atrocity, a vile thing. No, he would instead imprison them in the most secure place in the Keep, the Black Tower. And so it was done, the two princes and Master Ludwig to look after them in the lavish tower. The boys remained for years as Ramsay ruled the throne indefinitely.   4 years had passed when King Ramsay pronounced them dead to the world, it would be 4 more until everybody found out he was lying.

Once a loyal General to the throne of Aeirendahl, this traitorous man left his own brother to die on the battlefield. Four days later he announced himself as the acting King, and has been ruling the Country ever since.

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