Ramsay Griswold Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Ramsay Griswold

Ramsay is an adventurer of unknown origin. While he was a teen, his sister was tragically slaughtered by a pale creature that appeared as nothing more than skin and bone. He killed the creature , but not before being horribly deformed as the creature nearly ripped off half his face. Only then realizing that his dead sister had turned into one of the creatures and fled. Ramsay being dismayed by this, swore an oath to avenge his sister's death, and end her suffering. He decided to join the Phoenix Militia, a group of commissioned monster slayers. Over his years working with them, he has worked himself into a fine young hunter, and a damn good one at that. After months of tracking the terrible creature that was once his sister, he finally found her lair in the dense forests near Golgrave, the gate town.

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