Nurgal, God of Plagues and Disease Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Nurgal, God of Plagues and Disease

God of Plagues and Disease.   Potentially the oldest and most ancient god, Nurgal is depicted as a tall, horned skeleton, shrouded in robes and jewelry, with the face of a plague ridden corpse. He bears a shroud of skin and wields a shield.   Also known as the Plague Father, he has spread a miasma of death and disease all throughout the lands for centuries, none can resist falling to him if he so chooses.   In the very core of the Abyss lies Nurgal's home, The Decaying Keep. Built out of his mass victims using their bones and skin, it is a rather undesirable place, even by the standards of the other gods.   The shield that Nurgal bears is pitch black bone in appearance, and a shadowy aura emanates from it. It is said by legend that it is the vessel which holds all the poor souls he's harvested from the past. Any who get their hands on it could ascend to Godhood themselves... but at what cost?   Moral Alignment: Neutral Evil

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