Korrös, God of Blood and Sacrifice Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Korrös, God of Blood and Sacrifice

God of Blood.   Körros is depicted as being a large, vile demonic man, with a long sinister tongue and fire enveloping his body. His armor, a burning brass stained red with the blood of millions killed in his name.   Körros's realm is within the Warp. The Brass Citadel is where the blood god calls home, surrounded by a moat of boiling blood, from those who failed to die honorably in battle. At the center of the citadel, sitting upon a throne of skulls, sits the mighty Körros himself, watching as he pits his greatest demons and champions against each other in his blood pits for his own amusement.   Körros holds no tolerance for the other Old Gods, he cares little for Nurgal and his plagues. He despises Baldür most though, seeing him as a thief for stealing good blood that is rightfully his.   Moral Alignment: Chaotic Evil

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