Heinreich, God of Fate and Weaver of Destiny Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Heinreich, God of Fate and Weaver of Destiny

Heinreich is depicted as an ancient corpse that has melded together with a World Tree. Above him rests a pig's head, serving as his eyes, forever watching.   The most ancient and mysterious of all the Old Gods. Heinreich is the Weaver of Fate, the all-father to reality. He was responsible with carefully crafting the Flow of Destiny for the cosmos, but ultimately let his greed get the better of him. Slowly, over the course of eons, he would begin to lose his sanity, often times letting things get out of control, and allowing the cosmos to fluctuate rapidly. This created the first magics of the universe, and thrust the world into a life-changing era.   His madness eventually started to augment the very essence of the other old ones, so much so that a confrontation ensued, this event would come to be known as the Conclave of the Gods.   What started as a simple discussion turned into a violent confrontation when Korrös and Baldür decided that Heinreich was too unstable to continue existing; so they rallied the others in hopes that their combined power would be enough to put an end to the mad god's reign. Their amassed powers were barely enough to put the god to rest, but in his final moment of vengeance, he spoke a curse upon them, augmenting them and corrupting their good nature forever. He did this before sealing them away with him until the end of time.   Few people are alive today that know of this God and his story, and even fewer still that practice the worship of this ancient evil. Ever since the events of the Conclave, Heinreich has been attempting to make pacts with adventurers, often being heard in dreams of those who are magically talented.   Moral Alignment: Unknown

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