Grishnak Stone-Shaper Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Grishnak Stone-Shaper

Leader of Tribe Steingöngur, Stone Walkers of the Black Mountains. Grishnak has lead the tribe for 100 years, and despite his old age is still a very capable warrior. His stoic and steadfast courage played a big role in the defeat of the black dragon that once sat atop the volcano in Hjöllmir.   As he lead his warriors up the mountainside, they would come to respect the grizzled Goliath, and even charged into battle chanting his name. Grishnak lived more lifetimes than most, and he had seen what happens to those who let their faith waver, who let selfishness and wickedness get to them.   After the defeat of the Black Dragon, the Goliath tribe took the volcano, and all the spoils that came with it. For years they extracted the rich resources that were found within the volcano, selling it to the nearby holds and any passerby that happened to visit them in their mountains.   Through the years, Grishnak has grown to loathe Clan Erak, thinking him and his people are selfish. This partly due to the fact that Clan Erak stole a large portion of land from the tribe ages ago, and spread rumors about the Goliaths while doing so. His relationship with the other clans, however, are fine.

The courageous leader of the Goliath tribe that resides in the Black Mountains.

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Neutral Good
Year of Birth
1005 AR 245 Years old
Long, reddish brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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