Emperor Sigismund the III Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Emperor Sigismund the III

The fat, grotesque Emperor of Ülmeir, the Old World.    Once a faithful general to the country of Gillamore, Sigismund fought bravely to retain his homeland from the invasions of Aeirendahl. 10 years, for 10 years Sigismund fought this war, never backing down. He slayed over a thousand men in his war days, now he barely lifts a finger, lest it's to get more wine or mutton to stuff his gullet.    Shortly after the Battle of Black River, the Kingdom of Aeirendahl retreated deeper into their territory. Sigismund would return home, to report of his overwhelming victory against Aeirendahl to the king; but upon returning, he came to discover the King dead in his throne. With no heirs to take the throne, and all family dead, it was decided that General Sigismund would lead the nation.    Over the course of the next 15 years, King Sigismund would go on to conquer 2 other nations and become a fully fledged Emperor. The once brave warrior now does naught but waste away in his grand palace, eating cheese and grapes.    At least this Emperor is kind to his people, nobility and peasants alike are said to respect him greatly for his generosity to charities and orphanages.

The fat, jolly Emperor who rules over all of Ülmeir. Known first for his massive size, and second for his generosity.

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