Eldath, Goddess of Life and Healing Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Eldath, Goddess of Life and Healing

Eldath is the Goddess of Life, Healing, and Love  Eldath is the very manifestation of all that is good in love and life, she is a caring God that provides to her believers guidance in all things. During the Godless Age, many people were struggling, and most had lost their faith. Among them, there was a woman of pure heart who sacrificed her life to ascend The Holy Mountain. It was an arduous journey, it took a whole year to ascend the mighty mountain, and there were many a great creatures and perils to overcome. Thankfully, she was not alone in her task, she was accompanied by 4 nameless monks who fought to protect her on her journey.    Many people had attempted the climb, yet the path was full of evil spirits and dreadful beasts, all who tried had failed. Their souls lost to the void.   At the end of their journey, 3 monks remained, one had died and the young woman had survived the harrowing ascent. Finally, humanity could be restored to the people, and peace can now fall over the world once again. The mysterious woman was the first ever person to reach the top of the ancient mountain. This is the moment her ascension to Godhood began. For the next 60 years, she did not eat, she did not sleep, she did not want for anything. She only prayed for the redemption of humanity, and the safety of the world. It was a difficult task, but the monks kept her warm and protected with all their power until the very end.    The unnamed woman faced a great deal of evil in her visions, as she was faced with the manifestations of Humanity's sins. Finally, after decades of unwavering faith, her prayers were answered by some unknown source. Power surged through her, and the monks had perished. She rose to Godhood that night upon the mountain, and humanity had been forgiven for their sins, thrusting them into the new age. The monks that had accompanied her during her ascension were recreated as the First Angels, including the one that had perished.    The Mountain they ascended, became a symbol of hope and faith, it was named Sanctus Montibus for the events that had taken place there, and the world's largest Cathedral was constructed at the top, to commemorate her sacrifice.    Eldath is depicted as a robed woman wearing a hood, with four arms wrapped around the world, as if she was nestling it.   Moral Alignment: Lawful Good

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