Egmir, God of Solitude and Silence Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Egmir, God of Solitude and Silence

God of Solitude, also called the Lonely God.    Egmir is commonly referred to as the Lonely God due to his non existent connection to the other gods and the fact that he has had close to no contact with any gods or mortals in centuries.   Not a single soul knows how old this god is, but he was here well before mankind. Nobody makes him offerings or prays to him for anything, for they think he would not deliver.   Eventually, Egmir's solitude became so overwhelming and suffocating, he made his own creations of life. Having nothing to go off of, he used his own image and imagination to craft his children.   Those first creations he ever made were abominations, and they were cannibalistic by nature; yet despite their horrendous nature, Egmir still loved them as his children.   Before the events of the Conclave, Egmir released his abominations upon the mortal realms, unknowingly killing many people in the process. Many of his "children" can be found today, stalking the woods, crawling through old ruins, waiting for unsuspecting people to wander by...   Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

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