Baldur, God of War and Conquest Character in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Baldur, God of War and Conquest

God of War and Conquest.   Also known simply as The Warrior, Baldür represents everything a true warrior strives to be. People who follow Baldür believe that those who are defeated are meant to be ruled over, for that is the way of The Warrior.
Followers of this religion will often find luck among the battlefield. If a warrior should fall on the battlefield, they should not be without their sword for the path to Baldür is paved with beasts and spirits, and the weapon is seen as a Rite of Honor to meeting the God. Those who fall without their weapon will be helpless in the afterlife, unable to drink mead alongside The Warrior in the afterlife.   Baldür does not play favorites among his followers, he is a fair god that blessed all on the battlefield, even if they are enemies.   Of all the Old Gods, it is believe that Baldür holds the largest following of believers, followed closely by Körros.   Moral Alignment: Neutral Good

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