Aldreich Building / Landmark in Kandvier | World Anvil
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Aldreich is the Fortress and Headquarters of the Phoenix Militia, a group of commissioned monster and bounty hunters who travel the world to help the common folk. A relatively newly founded group, in their short time, they have garnered quite a bit of fame throughout the world. A large portion of their fame may be due to the reason their key leaders are famed adventurers from new and ancient tales alike. During the last decade they have gotten involved in many things, from politics, to research, to wars. The Militia is growing their status in the world still, hoping to become a figurehead of hope and power.

Purpose / Function

Aldreich's original purpose was to be the home of the cowardly Lord Badre. Halfway through construction, he was unfortunately killed by naturaul causes, and his son inherited the Fortress. Being a close friend of the young Teyrn Loghain, he offered him a home there. Over the next 10 years they would build the half constructed castle into an impenetrable fortress.


Over the period of it's construction, some alterations were made to the walls and the towers of the fortress. Lodgings for their best and brightest members were set up, as well as a tavern, stables, and an armory. Ballistas were mounted along the walls and atop the towers, and the instillation of a third gatehouse made sure of extra security.


Aldreich is the Fortress and Headquarters of the Phoenix Militia, a group of commissioned monster and bounty hunters who travel the world to help the common folk. A relatively newly founded group, in their short time, they have garnered quite a bit of fame throughout the world. A large portion of their fame may be due to the reason their key leaders are famed adventurers from new and ancient tales alike.
Alternative Names
Headquarters of the Phoenix Militia
Characters in Location

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